You Can Negotiate Anything, Anywhere, Anytime

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Five Star Clarion Review of How to Interview Like a Pro by Mary Greenwood

Clarion Review
How to Interview like a Pro: Forty-Three Rules for Getting Your Next Job

Mary Greenwood iUniverse 978-1-938908-06-4 Five Stars (out of Five)

With the unemployment rate refusing to sink below 8 percent, the United States’ Great Recession marches on, leaving many people scrambling for the limited job opportunities that exist. Those in the job market during this tough time want every advantage they can get. One excellent resource is Mary   Greenwood’s latest book, How to Interview Like a Pro: Forty-Three Rules for Getting Your Next Job.
An award-winning author of two previous how-to guides—How to Negotiate Like a Pro and How to Mediate Like a Pro—Greenwood continues her successful streak with this insider’s view of one of the most anxiety-provoking parts of the job-search process: the interview. Her professional experience as a human resources director and a labor attorney makes Greenwood an expert on all that goes into the interview process, from the first handshake to the hard questions.

Tricky questions don’t have to trip the interviewee up, says Greenwood. She uses her extensive background to explain which questions employers are not legally allowed to ask—questions regarding race, religion, and age, for example—and how to respond appropriately. She clearly and concisely defines complex legal terms like “disparate treatment” and “adverse impact” so that the average person can understand his or her rights in the interview room and not be caught off guard.

Some advice is fairly standard—dress appropriately for the workplace, arrive early, etc.—but Greenwood makes a convincing case for attending to the details. Wear flip-flops? No. Ask questions? Definitely. Stories of interview gaffes illustrate the need for explicit instruction. Greenwood does not want any of her readers to be the woman who brings her baby to the interview, or the man who tells an off-color joke to his potential boss.

Much of Greenwood’s attention focuses on what job seekers can do outside of the interview room, both before and after the big day. Research and rehearsal are essential, says Greenwood, and after giving the interview your best effort, it pays to debrief yourself. Evaluate your performance: what went well, and what you could improve. In the current economic
climate, it is likely that those searching for a job will go on many interviews before receiving an offer, so Greenwood encourages readers to see the whole process as a learning experience.

How to Interview Like a Pro is easy to read from cover-to-cover. Greenwood’s clean, uncluttered style flows from one idea to the next. The usefulness of the book extends beyond the first reading, however. Job seekers can refer to the glossary, indexes, and individual tips as they work their way through the hiring process.

Sheila M. Trask 

Mary Greenwood, Mediator, Attorney and Author of How To Negotiate LIke A Pro: 41 Rules for Resolving Disputes, Winner of nine book awards; How To Mediate Like A Pro: 42 Rules for Mediating Disputes Winner of twelve book awards, and How to Interview Like a Pro, Winner of twelve book awards.  Email: howtointerview@aol.com, website: www.marygreenwood.org

Saturday, September 1, 2012

How to Negotiate Like a Pro Wins Bronze Award in Readers Favorite Book Awards Contest.

How to Interview Like a Pro Wins its Tenth Book Award

How to Interview Like a Pro wins a Bronze Book Award in the Readers Favorite Book Awards, it was announced on September 1, 2012. The awards ceremony will be held in Miami during the Miami Book Fair on November 18, 2012. This is the tenth book award for How to Negotiate Like a Pro.

http://readersfavorite.com/2012-award-contest-winners.htm#NonFiction-SelfHelp-aMary Greenwood, Mediator, Attorney and Author of How To Negotiate LIke A Pro: 41 Rules for Resolving Disputes, Winner of six book awards Best How To Book, DIY Festival Runner Up, New York Book Festival, E-Book and Self-Help Category Finalist ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year Awards Finalist, Best National Book Awards, Self-Help Category Honorable Mention, London Book Festival How To Mediate Like A Pro: 42 Rules for Mediating Disputes Winner of five book awards Best National Book AWard, Law Category Best E-Book, New York Book Festival Best How To Book, Beach Book Festival Best E-Book, Indie Excellence Awards Spirit AWard, South Florida Writers Association Email: howtonegotiate@aol.com www.marygreenwood.com