You Can Negotiate Anything, Anywhere, Anytime

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How Did I get Started in Alternate Dispute Resolution? ( Hint: it has to do with raccoon coats)

In my interview with Fey Ugokwe in ADRPages.com about Negotiating in Turbulent Times, she asked me what prompted me to make Alternative Dispute Resolution my profession.

Mary's Answer: I think it goes back to my childhood. I was known as the peace-maker in the family. When they were teenagers, my mother bought coats for [my sisters] one Christmas, that were custom-fitted. The problem was that both sisters wanted the same coat. I found it amusing because both girls had the same build, height, and weight--and the coats looked the same to me. I mediated with them in caucus and joint sessions for hours and hours, trying to get them to take [their] assigned coat. Even though I could not resolve the "raccoon coat caper," it did put me on the ADR path--and I am still thinking of new arguments I could have used with my sisters.

For the full interview with Fey Ugowke, see www.ADRPages.com

How did you get started in ADR? Email your stories tohowtonegotiate@aol.com and I will post the most interesting ones.

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