Last night I found out that
How To Mediate Like A Pro: 42 Rules for Resolving Disputes was named a finalist in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards. That was a nice Mother's Day present. Then I started thinking about what the award represents and what are "indie books" anyway?
Catherine Goulet, chair of the Next Generation Indie Book Awards said, "We like to think of our awards program as the 'Sundance' of the book publishing world." In an article on, titled "If it's cool, creative, and different, its's indie. The term 'indie' traditionally refers to the independent broad banner of culture, created outside of the mainstream and without corporate financing."
Independent book publishing companies are independent of the major conglomerates that dominate the book publishing industry industry (think Harper Collins, Random House, Little Brown, Simon & Schuster). The "indies" include small book publishers and self-published authors (like myself).
According to Bowker, publisher of the Books in Print database, more than 560,000 books were published last year. That is way over 10,000 books a week. You can see how it could be difficult to be noticed.
When I started my journey of writing my two books, How
To Negotiate Like A Pro and Ho
w to Mediate Like A Pro, I really did not know much about the world of publishing. If I had known I would be competing with a half million books each year, I might have tried something else.
Then I started thinking of the odds of winning 12 book awards for a self-published book. Having been recognized for my efforts has really energized me and I am now actively working on my third book, How To Interview for a Job Like a Pro.
Thanks to all who have been following me and my books.
Mary Greenwood, Mediator, Attorney and Author of
How To Negotiate Like A Pro: 41 Rules for Resolving Disputes, Winner of six book awards
Best How To Book, DIY Festival
Runner Up,New York Book Festival,both E-Book and Self-Help Category
Finalist ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year Awards
Finalist, Best National Book Awards, Self-Help Category
Honorable Mention, London Book Festival
How To Mediate Like A Pro: 42 Rules for Mediating Disputes
Winner of 12 book awards
Best National Book Award, Law Category
Best E-Book, New York Book Festival
Best How To Book, Beach Book Festival
Best E-Book, Indie Excellence Awards,
Spirit Award, South Florida Writers Association
Winner, Pinnacle Book Achievement Award,
Runner-Up, New England Book Festival,
Silver prize, ForeWord Book of the Year Awards
Honorable Mention, London Book Festival,
Runner-Up, DIY Book Festival
Winner, Reader Views Book Award
Finalist, Next Generation Indie Book Awards