For my new book, How to Interview Like a Pro, I included a list of Do's and Don'ts. The following are a list of some of them. It might not seem possible, but I have seen all of these:
1. Don't Use Your Cell Phone.This might seem obvious. Recently I was interviewing a candidate and on his way into the interview, he was texting. He was completely oblivious to his surroundings, had his head down and did not come up for air until he was sitting in his interview seat. So much for a good entrance! He had lost the position even before he opened his mouth. When I say "don't use your cell phone," that means at all times, not just when you are answering questions.
2. Don't Use a Weird Tagline on Your Email.If your email is something like Sexy Momma or Big Hog or worse, don't use that account to conduct business for your job search. If you are wedded to that email name for your personal emails, then get another email account with a professional sounding tagline or one that just has your name. Most providers will let you have more than one account. It is good to have one that is easy to remember. I have an email tagline that is "How to Interview." Having an account just for your job search also helps keep you organized. When I see an inappropriate tagline, I immediately think that this candidate does not have good judgment.
3. Don't Speak Negatively About Your Boss.When you are asked why you want to leave or how you get along with your boss, never say anything bad about him or her. That will reflect negatively on you because it may seem as though you are a whiner or cannot get along with people. Instead say something more neutral like "We sometimes agreed to disagree, but generally have a good working relationship" or "My boss agrees that there are not any promotional opportunities now and he knows I am looking elsewhere." Of course, don't say something that may be contradicted if your boss is called for a reference.
If you follow these tips, you will be interviewing like a pro.
Mary Greenwood, Mediator, Attorney and Author of
How To Interview Like a Pro, 43 Rules for Getting Your Next Job, Rising Star and Editor's Choice;
How To Negotiate Like A Pro: 41 Rules for Resolving Disputes, Winner of six book awards;
How To Mediate Like A Pro: 42 Rules for Mediating DisputesWinner of 12 book awards.
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