You Can Negotiate Anything, Anywhere, Anytime

Friday, October 28, 2011

Mary Greenwood exhibiting at Dahlonega GA Literary Festival November 12 and 13

I will be exhibiting my books: How to Interview Like a Pro, How to Mediate Like a Pro and How to Negotiate Like a Pro at the Dahlonega, Georgia Literary Festival. On Saturday, November 12, the Book Fair will be held at St. Lukes Catholic Church Parish from 9:00 to 6:00 and on Sunday November 13, the Book Fair will be held at Hancock Park. Please stop by and say hello if you are in the area.

About the Dahlonega Literary Festival & Writer's Seminar:

The Dahlonega Literary Festival is a yearly event that takes place the second weekend in November. Set in Historic Downtown Dahlonega, the festival continues to grow and become more and more entertaining as the years go on. All festival events are free and open to the public. This year (2011) marks the first year of the correlating New Directions Conference on the campus of North Georgia College and State University. The conference, while connected, is a seperate event and does require registration. For more information, check out our "Writer's Seminar" page.

History of the Dahlonega Literary Festival and Writer's Conference

Begun in 2004 by Kate Quigley McElliott, the Dahlonega Literary Festival celebrates books, writers, literacy, storytelling and literary performance art. Late in December, 2003, Kate called together a group of interested community and university people to begin The Dahlonega Literary Festival & Writer’s Seminar.

Mary Greenwood, Mediator, Attorney and Author of How To Negotiate Like A Pro: 41 Rules for Resolving Disputes, Winner of six book awards; How to Mediate Like a Pro, winner of twelve book awards; How to Interview Like a Pro, winner of ten book awards.
Email: howtointerview@aol.com; websites: www.howtointerviewlikeapro.org;

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Kindle Highlights from Amazon for How to Interview Like a Pro

Kindle Amazon Highlights from How to Interview Like a Pro

Amazon's Highlights program is a real eye opener for the author. It gives the author a window to those passages that resonate with her readers. If you are not familiar with the program, scroll down any Kindle listing and you will see the Highlights. It is great tool for authors and readers.

Here are the highlights from How to Interview Like a Pro; 42 Rules for Getting the Job You Want:

1. Ask what the company’s expectations are for this position. This allows the applicant to see what the company is looking for and can respond accordingly.
Highlighted by 5 Kindle users

2. This is not just a job for me. This is the place I want to be, and I am passionate about working in this field.
Highlighted by 4 Kindle users

3.What is your management style and how do you interact with your employees?
Highlighted by 4 Kindle users

4. Ask questions about the organization chart.
Highlighted by 4 Kindle users

5. Ask what brought the interviewer to this company and what he or she likes best about working there. I love this question because you are doing the interviewing now but in a positive way.
Highlighted by 4 Kindle users

6. What kind of training will be provided and who will do it? 3. Who was formerly in the position and why did they leave?
Highlighted by 4 Kindle users

7. I can be a perfectionist, but I am taking measures to overcome this. I realize that everything I write does not have to be perfect to be acceptable.
Highlighted by 3 Kindle users

8.In this economy, you need to show the future employer why it needs you and how your experience and expertise are going to help it. This is where your research comes into play.
Highlighted by 3 Kindle users

9. What exactly will be my job duties? I have read the job description, I but don’t know what the priorities are.
Highlighted by 3 Kindle users

Mary Greenwood, Mediator, Attorney and Author of How To Negotiate Like A Pro: 41 Rules for Resolving Disputes, Winner of six book awards; How to Mediate Like a Pro, winner of twelve book awards; How to Interview Like a Pro, winner of ten book awards.
Email: howtointerview@aol.com; websites: www.howtointerviewlikeapro.org;

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How to Interview Like a Pro Reviewed by Mir Haynes, Resume Expert

“How to Interview Like a Pro: Forty-Three Rules for Getting Your Next Job” by Mary Greenwood is the latest how-to book from the author of “How to Negotiate Like a Pro” and “How to Mediate Like a Pro.”

"How To Interview Like a Pro" delivers the kind of instructive and sound advice that job candidates need. It’s a quick read, too; I envision job seekers downloading and reading it one day, then acing an all-important job interview the next. For readers of the digital version, like myself, the book is available within moments of purchase and its page layout and font are readable and screen-friendly.

Whether you buy the eBook or paperback, Greenwood delivers a superb interviewer’s toolkit. Her advice ranges from the detailed and practical (if a company you interviewed with said they'd let you know in two weeks, wait three to call) to the philosophical and subtle (be observant when you take a tour of the office where you're interviewing, watching interactions, environment, and personnel for “red flags”). She maintains this balance throughout the book, as she covers all phases of the interview process: Getting organized and prepared ahead of time; researching the company you’re interviewing with (and, importantly, their competitors); making the most of your professional, personal, and online social networks; the nuts and bolts of the interview (everything from the right handshake and what to wear to useful advice about out-of-town interviews and reimbursement for travel expenses).

Job seekers will appreciate the entire chapter Greenwood dedicates to common interview questions and sample answers. Providing actual verbiage you can familiarize yourself with and customize to suit your situation, Greenwood draws from her years of experience interviewing with law firms and high-power executive offices to give you answers to sticky questions like “What is your greatest failure?” and “What don’t you like about your current job?” and “Tell me about your best boss.”

The book wraps with a chapter dedicated to knowing the law and whether you are in a protected category (did I mention that Greenwood is a lawyer?), sensible tips on how to navigate the post-interview waiting game, what to do if you did—or didn’t—get the job, and appendices on interviewing do’s and don’ts, terminology, federal discrimination laws, and state fair employment agencies.

Greenwood’s book is absorbing, timely, and informative. She writes in a “helpful friend” voice and sprinkles in numerous anecdotes, which makes the book entertaining and easy to read. As a professional resume writer and online job search expert, I have been looking for an interview-preparation book that I can recommend to my clients. I have finally found it!

Mir Haynes is a professional resume writer, social media expert, and author of “Resume to Payday: Online Secrets to Find and Land Your Dream Job.” Connect with her via Twitter (@RTP_Resumes) or www.rtpresumes.com.

Mary Greenwood, email: howtointerview@aol.com websites: www.marygreenwood.org, www.howtointerviewlikeapro.org

Friday, October 14, 2011

Mary Greenwood Will be Exhibiting her Multi-Award Winning Books at the Deltona Authors Fair Saturday October 15, 2011,

The Deltona Authors Book Fair will be held Saturday October 15, 2011, at the Deltona Regional Library, 2150 Eustace Avenue, Deltona, FL. from 11:00 to 3:00 P.M.

Over 50 local authors will be exhibiting and selling their books. Some of the authors attending are John Ayers, Donna Banks, Kathleen Beals, Barbara Cameron, Doroty Dubel, Diana Hartling(who is at my table 10A,)Lucy Tobias, and Kimberlee Williams.

I will be exhibiting How to Negotiate Like a Pro, winner of six book awards, How to Mediate Like a Pro, winner of twelve book awards, and How to Interview Like a Pro, winner of ten book awards, which has been quoted in the NY Daily News, Kiplinger Retirement Report, Career Column MSNBC, CBS Money Watch, State Farm Good Neighbor Magazine and many career blogs.,

My booth is 10B. There are some great workshops for authors, which I am attending, before the Book Fair. I am very interested in hearing about how to do a book tour.

If you are in the area, stop by and say hello. It should be a lot of fun!

Mary Greenwood, Mediator, Attorney and Author of How To Negotiate Like A Pro: 41 Rules for Resolving Disputes, winner of ten book awards, How to Mediate Like a Pro, winner of twelve book awards, and How to Negotiate Like a Pro, winner of six book awards. Email: howtointerview@aol.com www.marygreenwood.org

Monday, October 10, 2011

Review of "From Resume to Payday: Online Secrets to Find and Land Your Dream Job by Mir Haynes

Mir Haynes Has Done the Work So You Don't Have To.

Mir Haynes has written "From Resume to Payday: Online Secrets to Find and Land Your Dream Job," based on her experience as a professional resume writer.

Her philosophy is simple "Discover > Position > Share. Ms. Haynes' ebook is no-nonsense, practical and reassuring. Right from the start, she says, "You've got a job to find and time is of the essence." By her own admission, she is very organized and, if you read the book, some of those organizational skills will rub off on you.

She gives common sense advice, but as we all know, common sense is not all that common. She points out that her plan is "beautiful in its simplicity." Here are some examples: 1. Don't waste time surfing the net; 2. Have a plan; 3. Strategize. 

Ms. Haynes has some tricks of the trade up her sleeve that she is willing to share. She explains how to use google alerts to find out about your dream job. I use google alerts for articles about me or my books, and I never thought of using google alerts for job leads, but I think it is genius. She explains how you you can do a detailed google search and find out information others might miss. She also gives tips on a "failproof way to find niche job boards." 

Ms. Haynes explains how social media can help you get a job. She gives down to earth advice about Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter. I always think of Linkedin as a Facebook for professionals and agree that Facebook, if continued, should be private. We have all heard of stories about a picture on Facebook that shows the applicant in an unflattering light and guess who does not get the job? She even explains how to get rid of tagged pictures on Facebook.  One has to be vigilant as to what is included.

Ms. Haynes goes into great detail on how Linkedin recommendations can help your job search. The resume picture and your name should be the same on all these forms of media. Ms. Haynes is very strategic. There are certain types of information that can be used on Linkedin to supplement what is in your resume. 

Her conclusion tackles five areas. 1. Make technology work for you. 2. Target and customize. 3. Do personal branding. 4. Be proactive and 5. Be professional. Finding a job is a daunting task and many don't really know where to begin.  Ms. Haynes takes away much of the mystique of finding a job. Buy this book, take her advice, and find a job.

by Mary Greenwood, Attorney, Human Resources Director and Author, How to Interview Like a Pro; 43 Rules For Getting Your Next Job. website:www.marygreenwood.org and email: howtointerview@aol.com. Mary has been quoted in the NY Daily News, Kiplinger Retirement Report, CBS Money Watch and State Farm Good Neighbor Magazine, among others.

by Mir Haynes, Professional Resume Writer and SEO Consultant. Find her online at www.rtpresumes.com and www.AnaboStudios.com.

Mary Greenwood, Mediator, Attorney and Author of How to Interview Like a Pro, winner of ten book awards

Friday, October 7, 2011

Mary Greenwood, author of How to Interview Like a Pro quoted in "11 Warning Signs Your Career Has Stalled" in NY Daily News

11 warning signs your career has stalled
By Charles Purdy
Monster Senior Editor

Thursday, October 6th 2011,

Your career can lose power for many reasons: a lack of opportunities, industry changes and plain old boredom are just a few of them.

Are you wondering whether your career has stalled? Here are some of the top warning signs, according to experts:

1. Your role and responsibilities haven't changed in a few years or more.

2. You've bounced from employer to employer without much change in job title or salary.

3. You can't remember the last time you learned something new about your industry or field.

4. People hired after you have been promoted faster than you.

5. You're not invited to important discussions or meetings of the kind you used to attend.

6. You have fewer job duties than you used to.

7. Your performance reviews contain terms like "consistently meets expectations" or "adequate performance."

8. No one at work asks for your help -- or no one in your professional network asks for advice.

9. You dread going to work in the morning.

10. Your manager and coworkers stop communicating with you -- in general, your phone rings less and you get fewer emails.

11. You spend a lot of time complaining about work, or and when you tell stories about work, you are the story's "victim," not its hero. Sound familiar? Never fear -- there are plenty of ways to get your career back in the fast lane. Here are some ideas:

Talk to Your Boss

A first step is to address problems head-on. For instance, if you've been stalled in the same position at the same employer, request a copy of the title hierarchy and job descriptions in your organization, says Debra Yergen, author of the Creating Job Security Resource Guide. "Work with human resources and your boss to find out what steps you need to take to move from where you are to the next step up,” she says.

Alternatively, tell your boss you're ready for new challenges and new assignments. If you've been quietly doing your job and keeping your head down, he may not realize that you're feeling unfulfilled.

Ask for What You Need

Alan G. Bauer, president of recruiter Bauer Consulting Group, says you can ask your manager for tips on what you need to improve. Also, he says you can ask your HR department what's going on with an overdue raise. "If your merit increases are lower than your coworkers', there may be an issue,” he says. "The company budgeted a certain amount for salary increases -- if you aren't getting your share, you need to find out why."

Brad Karsh, founder and president of the career-services firm JobBound, says to look for ways to be more effective, efficient and strategic. "Ask your manager about the possibility of a rotational program to see the inner workings of the company and gain fresh perspective and new ideas," he says.

Take Initiative
Karsh also suggests figuring out what keeps your boss up at night. "Find a way to solve that problem,” he says. "You need to be a key player."

You can also take some classes or work toward a degree, suggests Mary Greenwood, author of How to Interview Like a Pro.
Or consider on-the-job training. "If you value continuous learning, you can volunteer for a project that will require new skills,” says executive coach Elene Cafasso. "Perhaps you can transfer to another area of the business or learn what's needed to back up a coworker."

Rick Dacri, author of Uncomplicating Management, suggests getting actively involved in a professional association. "Get a leadership role, speak before the group or write an article for the newsletter, for instance," he says.

Adjust Your Attitude

Negativity is one of the worst career killers. "If you are spending a great deal of your energy moaning and whining about your circumstances, it's time to try and make a new start before you become so emotionally expensive that the organization feels the need to cut you," says Cy Wakeman, author of Reality-Based Leadership.

Identifying your dissatisfaction and taking steps to resolve it is the first step. The next step may be to update your resume and start looking for a new job. "It may be that hanging on to an unhealthy or unproductive employment relationship is what's holding you back,” Yergen says. "I've witnessed a handful of people this year who have identified their dissatisfaction and set a date to quit -- even without a job waiting -- and found something just before or just after the date of their resignation. Sometimes you just have to take that step."

If your career is stalled, perhaps a new career is the right answer. Start exploring options by reaching out to your professional network, job shadowing or talking to your HR department about an internal transfer.

Mary Greenwood, email howtointerview@aol.com website: www.marygreenwood.org

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Pictures from Heritage Book Festival, St. Augustine

Here are some photos of the Heritage Book Festival in St. Augustine, Florida
You can see beautiful Flagler College and my Boston Terrier, Annabelle

howtointerview@aol.com www.marygreenwood.com

Review of How to Interview Like a Pro by Carolyn Howard-Johnson at MyShelf.com

Another Review at MyShelf.Com

How to Interview Like A Pro
Forty-Three Rules for Getting Your Next Job
Mary Greenwood. JD. LLM

release/ ASIN: B004JHZ26C
Kindle Edition
Kindle / paperback

Reviewed by Carolyn Howard-Johnson

A book for its time…

The Feel-Good Guide for Getting a Job and
Learning Negotiating Skills

Who would have guessed.

I read this book because I thought I might be able to recommend it to my retail clients, but it turns out, getting a job is very much like selling a book! So it’s suitable in many ways for my author-clients, too.

Getting a job isn’t much different than it was back in the days when I interviewed at PR firms and magazines like Good Housekeeping. Though we have many tools at our disposal that weren’t available back then, the basics are similar. And industry-to-industry, we can learn so much from the general (yet detailed!) information Mary Greenwood gives us in How To Interview Like a Pro. Basic business skills like Greenwood imparts here, are useful at some level for almost anyone who must earn a living.

Mary’s number two rule is that a job hunter must “prepare a good elevator speech.” She also says, “Make a list of everyone you know.” Ajob hunter would then use that list to find influential people with contacts of their own who will lead them to other jobs, recommend them to others, and generally hold their hands through the process.

Going hand in hand with this process is Mary’s rule “Telling everyone you know you are looking for a job.” She, expands this rule by adding: “Tell everyone whom you would like to know you are looking for a job.” Here she covers making new contacts using social networking.

Mary’s rules are born of experience, both general and legal. Her book moves us along from rule to rule—lickety split—right down to the never-nevers like: “Never say you don’t have any more questions.” Interviews go both ways. If they don’t, the interviewer may form some opinions you’d just as well he or she didn’t.

One of the reason things move so quickly is Greenwood’s anecdotes. You’ll come away from this book feeling as if you aren’t alone in your search and knowing how to make sure you aren’t. You’ll know the basics and the details, like how to answer about any question an interviewer is likely to ask.

One of the best things about this book is Greenwood’s Introductory Rule: “Getting a job is like parking. You have to be at the right place at the right time.” If you keep that in mind—along with her little protractor story (yes, this is a tease—I think you should read this book!), you’ll hang in there and know one day you’ll be exactly in that place at that time.

Now, here’s the thing. I believe that almost anyone in the business world could benefit from this book, from interviewee to interviewer. from author to retailer to IT guy or gal. Sometimes the books we get the most from are the ones we don’t think we need in the moment. Have it ready. It’s way more than a get-a-job book.

Reviewer & Columnist Carolyn Howard-Johnson is the award-winning author of The Frugal Book Promoter
Reviewed 2011
© 2011 MyShelf.com

Mary Greenwood, Mediator, Attorney and Author of How To Negotiate LIke A Pro: 41 Rules for Resolving Disputes, Winner of six book awards; How To Mediate Like A Pro: 42 Rules for Mediating Disputes, Winner of twelve book awards and How to Interview Like a Pro; 43 Rules for Getting Your Next Job, winner of ten book awards. Email: howtointerview@aol.com website: www.marygreenwood.com