How to Interview Like a Pro: 43 Rules for Getting Your Next Job
Author: Mary Greenwood, JD, LL.M is an attorney, Mediator, and Author of many books. Mary has a BA from New School for Social Research, an MA in English from the University of Southern CA, and a Law Degree from California Western School of law. Mary lives in Florida.
Publisher: iUniverse
Genre/Market: Law, Business, Economics, Psychology
5 Out of 5 points
How to land your next job.Quote: “Getting a job is like parking, you have to be at the right place at the right time.”
When this book arrived I was very happy because I have been looking for a job for quite some time in 2011. I believe so many people have either lost a job, got laid off a job, or the company downsized that learning how to properly interview from Mary Greenwood would benefit everyone.
In the book there are many rules but the first few rules seem to narrow down the basics for anyone new to the interview process.
RULE 1: In order to get a full time job it is best to apply online to the many job boards as possible and check back with them daily. It is very important to have your resume’ up to date. *For example, I just moved into a new place and totally forgot to update the address on my resume! It is also important to go out and talk to people and stores and network.
RULE 2: Prepare your elevator sentences. This will tell in 30 seconds or less who you are, what you offer, and what you can bring to the new job.
RULE 3: Make a list of (EVERYONE) you know.
RULE 4: Let everyone know you are looking for a job.
RULE 5: Make sure you use social networking sites such as LinkedIn.
RULE 6: Make sure your resume and cover letter fit the job you are currently applying for.
RULE 7: Be Flexible and Professional and prepared so that the unexpected is an invitation you are well ready for whether you are out shopping or what have you.
What I loved best was the 27 Do’s and the 26 Do Not’s of Interviewing along with the “Glossary of Terms.” As I was reading this book I realized it would be a great reference or even a great stocking stuffer for a friend or relative as the holidays approach. I would recommend this book to anyone seeking employment at any stage they might be in.
© 2011 by Jackie Paulson
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