Tom Dezell is a fellow iUniverse author. He has written
Networking for the Novice, Nervous or Naive Job Seeker, which is an excellent "must have book" for a jobseeker. A few weeks ago Tom asked me to do an interview on his radio program. While discussing our books, we discovered that our tips and rules overlapped in many areas. His focus is networking and mine is interviewing.
The review can be found on "What makes Tom's book unique is that he provides true life anecdotes to illustrates his points. As an author of a recent book on interviewing, I really appreciated his tips and found myself nodding in agreement throughout the book. For example, he quotes Penelope Trunk, who said, "Hiring Managers do not hire the most qualified; they hire the individual they most want to work with." Tom recommends adding your military service, like the Marines, because that may be a plus for the hiring manager. Your interest in film or dogs, (I have a picture of my Boston Terrier Annabelle on my cover) may help the hiring manager decide he/she wants to work with you.
Another thing I loved about the book are the chance encounters that got people jobs: The engineer whose neighbor was an HR Director for an Engineering company; the Little League Dad who sat next to another Little League Dad, who ended up giving the first Dad some leads for another job. You just never know where your next lead is going to come from and so you should tell everyone your situation. It is nothing to be ashamed about,especially in this economy.
Tom Dezell gives a lot of pragmatic, practical and down-to earth tips about networking. I give it my highest recommendation."
Mary Greenwood, Mediator, Attorney and Author of How to Interview Like a Pro: 43 Rules for Getting Your Next Job; How To Negotiate LIke A Pro: 41 Rules for Resolving Disputes, Winner of six book awardsBest How To Book, DIY FestivalRunner Up, New York Book Festival, E-Book and Self-Help CategoryFinalist ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year AwardsFinalist, Best National Book Awards, Self-Help CategoryHonorable Mention, London Book FestivalHow To Mediate Like A Pro: 42 Rules for Mediating DisputesWinner of five book awardsBest National Book AWard, Law Category, Best E-Book, New York Book FestivalBest How To Book, Beach Book FestivalBest E-Book, Indie Excellence AwardsSpirit AWard, South Florida Writers Association Email:
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