You Can Negotiate Anything, Anywhere, Anytime

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Who will be the Presidential Pup? How about a Boston Terrier?

Why has it taken so long to pick a Presidential Pup? Many cabinet appointments have been made: Secretary of State, Energy, Education, and Climate Czarina.

Even VP elect Biden has picked a German Shepherd pup. How hard can it be?

I want to throw a "bone" in the ring for Presidential Pup.

How About a Boston Terrier? Of course, I have my own Betty, see above as a puppy, so I may be biased. However, I have listed ten reasons why a Boston Terrier should be in the running for the White House puppy.

1. The Boston Terrier is the first American breed recognized by the American Kennel Club.
There is an interesting history here. In 1865, two dogs were bred that are the ancestors of all Boston Terriers. Hooper's Judge, part English bull-dog and part English Terrier, and Gyp, a bull dog type dog. Their puppies were bred with similar dogs and after many years, a breed was formed that was accepted by AKC in 1983. The breed was first rejected when called the American Bull Terrier, but was accepted when called the Boston Terrier

2. Boston Terriers are called the American Gentleman (even the females) because of their tuxedo look and their gentle disposition.

3. They are very smart and alert.

4. They come in many colors.
The most common is black and white, but some dogs have brindle; some are brown (seal); and some are more white than brown or black.

5. There is precedent.
President Harding had a Boston Terrier.

6. They are affectionate, lovable and gentle
They do lick, though; they are loyal and good companions.

7. They are very energetic and love to "fetch."

8. They come in three sizes: small (15 lbs.), medium 20 lbs., large 25 lbs.

9. They don't shed; they don't have fur.

10. They are cute.

So, Obama family, what are you waiting for? Pick a Boston Terrier; go American.

Mary Greenwood, Mediator, Attorney and Author of
How To Negotiate LIke A Pro: 41 Rules for Resolving Disputes, Winner of six book awards
Best How To Book, DIY Festival
Runner Up, New York Book Festival, E-Book and Self-Help Category
Finalist ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year Awards
Finalist, Best National Book Awards, Self-Help Category
Honorable Mention, London Book Festival
How To Mediate Like A Pro: 42 Rules for Mediating Disputes
Winner of five book awards
Best National Book AWard, Law Category
Best E-Book, New York Book Festival
Best How To Book, Beach Book Festival
Best E-Book, Indie Excellence Awards
Spirit AWard, South Florida Writers Association
Email: howtonegotiate@aol.com

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