You Can Negotiate Anything, Anywhere, Anytime

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Noah Webster and Crazy Horse

Crazy Horse

Model of Noah Webster Sculpture

Both by Korczak Ziolkowski

The statue of Noah Webster in West Hartford Center, now at Blue Back Square( see previous posts) was scuplpted by Korczak Ziolkowski. As a young man he asked the town if he could do a statue of Noah Webster, West Hartford's most famous citizen. There was a campaign to raise money for the sculpture and it was completed in October 1941. The West Hartford Library is now exhibiting the 13 inch model for the statue which has been in storage for many years.

Ziolkowski left West Hartford and was a soldier in World War II. After the war, he moved to the black hills of North Dakota where he worked on a sculpture of Chief Crazy Horse for 36 years, at Mount Thunderhead, a few miles from Mount Rushmore, until he died in 1982. It is still a a work in progress after 60 years although the head is complete and and is being finished by his sons and daughters.

That is quite a journey from the sculpture of West Hartford's favorite son, Noah Webster, to a whole mountain carved into a sculpture of Crazy Horse.

Mary Greenwood, Mediator, Attorney and Author of
How To Negotiate LIke A Pro: 41 Rules for Resolving Disputes, Winner of six book awards
Best How To Book, DIY Festival
Runner Up, New York Book Festival, E-Book and Self-Help Category
Finalist ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year Awards
Finalist, Best National Book Awards, Self-Help Category
Honorable Mention, London Book Festival
How To Mediate Like A Pro: 42 Rules for Mediating Disputes
Winner of five book awards
Best National Book AWard, Law Category
Best E-Book, New York Book Festival
Best How To Book, Beach Book Festival
Best E-Book, Indie Excellence Awards
Spirit AWard, South Florida Writers Association
Email: howtonegotiate@aol.com

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