Yesterday, I was visiting a high school friend who was in Vero Beach for vacation. I soon realized that I had forgotten to bring my cell phone charger. I borrowed my friend's phone for a couple of calls, but felt somewhat unattached to my world.
When I started the drive home to Miami Beach today, I decided to buy a car charger so I could start communicating with the outside world again.
I found an A T & T store in a strip mall and asked a young man who greeted me if they carried a car charger for my old cell phone. The man said, "probably not," and perused the small collection of chargers on display. I did not get a good feeling that I was going to be reattached to the outside world anytime soon.
When the young man could not find it, he recommended that I go to another store nearby. I am not familiar with the area so I got in my car and started out the strip mall and then went across a road to a Walgreen's to do a U-Turn. I looked out my rear view mirror and the same man was running toward me with something in his hand.
I rolled down my window and he handed me the charger that I needed (see above.) He said, "You can have this, I found it in a drawer." I could hardly believe it. First he had run quite a distance, over a block, to catch me and secondly, he was giving me thecharger for free. I said, "Thank you. I really appreciate it." Then he went running across the street.
I had to think fast. I yelled out the window: " Hey, Wait a Minute. I want to give you a book." He thought I was going to give him some election material and reluctantly came back across the street again. I got out of my car to give him my book, How To Negotiate Like A Pro. He said, " It wasn't much of a negotiation." I laughed and said, "Right, you gave me the charger. However, your excellent customer service means that I have a good feeling about your company and I will never forget it."
As a retired Human Resources Director, this act of kindness and excellent customer service made my day.
How To Negotiate LIke A Pro: 41 Rules for Resolving Disputes, Winner of 6 book awards
Best How To Book, DIY Festival
Runner Up, New York Book Festival, E-Book and Self-Help Category
Finalist ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year Awards
Finalist, Best National Book Awards, Self-Help Category
Honorable Mention, London Book Festival
How To Mediate Like A Pro: 42 Rules for Mediating Disputes
Winner of five book awards
Best National Book AWard, Law Category
Best E-Book, New York Book Festival
Best How To Book, Beach Book Festival
Best E-Book, Indie Excellence Awards
Spirit AWard, South Florida Writers Association
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